Once upon a time, I wrote an “F-word series” and today I’m revisiting a word that you have to embrace if you want to be great: FORTITUDE According to Dictionary.com, fortitude is a noun meaning, “mental and emotional strength in facing difficulty, adversity, danger, or temptation courageously”. Wow. Hard. CORE. Lots of heavy-hitter terms there, did you notice? “emotional strength”, “adversity”, “courageously.” A difficult skill,
Mothers of the Bible: My First Ebook On Amazon!
Welcome readers! I have some exciting news. A few weeks ago, I launched my first ebook, “Parenting In The Light: Mothers of The Bible Series.” This book covers 8 moms – and moms-to-be – in the Bible and shares their struggles and accomplishments. Learn about: Rahab and why she is noted in the “Bible Hall of Fame” in Acts 11. Moses’ mother and why her
Best Christmas Yet
I was going to say “ever”, but yet is more hopeful for Christmases to come. The really cool thing? It was NOT about the presents, as I didn’t anything major, just a few little things, for which I’m still grateful. We have had a lovely time, since Thursday evening when I got off work, all the way through today. Well, ok, we were stuck in
Holiday Lessons Learned
I see that I have not blogged in a whole 5 days! Well, readers, that is because I took 4 whole days off! I didn’t write, work, think about work, stress over my career, or any of that. It wasn’t perfect…Chris ended up in the ER with torn rib cartilage (no idea how), and Zoe was a bit of a handful on Thanksgiving. The upside
Be Not Afraid
Today’s guest post is by Kathleen Deyer Bolduc, author of Autism & Alleluias (Judson Press, 2010), a wonderfully inspirational book about dealing with autism through faith. You can learn more about Kathleen at www.kathleenbolduc.com or visit her blog. Check back next week to read my book review! It’s one of those recurring dreams—one that surfaces again and again. My husband Wally, son Joel and I