Once upon a time, I wrote an “F-word series” and today I’m revisiting a word that you have to embrace if you want to be great: FORTITUDE According to Dictionary.com, fortitude is a noun meaning, “mental and emotional strength in facing difficulty, adversity, danger, or temptation courageously”. Wow. Hard. CORE. Lots of heavy-hitter terms there, did you notice? “emotional strength”, “adversity”, “courageously.” A difficult skill,
The f-word I did not want to deal with: “fat” -> “fab”
Don’t worry, nobody looks like this! It’s the result of Photoshopping. Ok, now before I start, you should know that I am a petite woman (5 feet tall) and the largest I’ve ever been is a size 10, for the excruciating year after Amelia’s birthday. You should also know that the thinnest I’ve ever been is a size 4, and that was for a few
f-word series: Feminism
Ooooh, did I touch a hot button subject? Because I have to you tell you, I am a feminist. For me, feminism simply means that women are free to make choices: to vote, to participate in government, to have equal pay, and equal chances at jobs, to be free to work or stay home if they have kids, or in today’s dynamic world, some flexible
f-word series: fine
OK, well, I just mean that in a lukewarm manner, but to be honest, “just fine” is actually a very good place for me right now. It’s been a rough week month. Babysitter is working smoothly. Work is fine. In the “awesome news” section, Chris may have likely scored some work through the spring. Amelia did VERY well on her spelling test, thanks to Mama
F-word series: Feeling framed to forgiveness
Ok, I know, I’ve written about forgiveness before. Deal is, it crops up over and over. AND OVER. A lot of bad things happened the last week or so…good things too, but we tend to focus on the bad. I did not get my goal for Zoe at the IEP (an extra day). The daycare kicked her out after one hour. (“Worst case of autism”
F-word series: Framing your faults
I struggled a bit with this week’s post, because I really wanted to write about Zoe’s IEP. Then something happened at the meeting, a lightbulb moment for me, that made me change the course of this week’s F-word post. Today, I want to talk about framing. If you don’t know what that is, it’s a term – frequently used in politics – to “reframe” or
F-word series: Frustrated to Free…
What does freedom mean to you? For some, it is strictly a political issue: how much freedom we believe we have or do not have from our government. For others, it has to do with choice: do we have the freedom to do what we want, when we want, no matter the cost (or the law)? For me, though, Freedom is something that comes from
A Few F-Words: Foundational things
A few days ago, I snagged your attention by letting fly a few “F” words: Fearless, Foxy, Fabulous. Since then, I’ve decided that every Friday, I’m going to blog about an “F” word that has changed my life…and can, maybe, change yours. Before I get started though, I thought I’d take this First Friday to review some foundational things, like why I’m really doing this,