I’m not actually freaking out right now, but man, life has a way of following the curveballs with…more curveballs, and maybe a knuckle ball or two. (And that’s where my skill in baseball metaphors runs out!)
The hits (disasters?) keeps coming, as does the good stuff, but I’m EXHAUSTED. I do NOT WANT TO DO ANYTHING on Sunday. Wish I could say that for Saturday. I do SO love throwing a party, but after this week, I may need to crawl up to bed while we still have guests!
I know this time of imbalance is only temporary. I know there are greener pastures, and clear vistas down the road. I know that my career being a top priority will resolve itself, and that I’ll have a life I can live with.
It’s just not today, when the task list does not equal the daylight hours length, and the gods of sleep and relaxation have LEFT the building. (That’s a metaphor, I’m a literary writer, don’t get bent out of shape by my multi-God reference.)
Yea, and did I mention I have cramps that start up at my eyeballs and end in the basement somewhere…
Still, it is all good. I don’t know WHY I know this, but it will work out, even the Zoe Preschool Disaster. She was outside today trying to climb, of all things, the new/tiny tree in front of my house. Maybe this outdoorsy school will… will… bring something out in her that I haven’t seen yet. Because, I’m afraid that I’ve been thinking that 7 Generations is not the way to go for her, that she could not handle full inclusion, that she is better off in a segregated classroom. Is that what I think? I DON’T think that’s the best solution for her development, but is it the best for her … to deal with??
I can’t go this route, in my heart. I have to give 7 Gen a try. Right now, I’m just burned about not being able to get her a 4th day, missing out on speech therapy, and the daycare kicking her out. A LOT can happen in a year, I know it. I just wish something would come together with this in my field of vision. I worked SO DAMN HARD this summer to ensure this would not happen, but it is what it is.
Hanging tough with God on my side, gb
Patty Shukla says
Plan some alone time. Put on the TV for the kids, send them to grandma’s house or turn on the computer and let the kids watch educational videos like this one:
My thoughts and prayers go out to you.
admin says
Thank you Patty! Grandma’s house is not an option in this family, however, I just met a kind, wonderful new friend who offered to watch them, so I can have downtime. And yes, we do put on the TV for mommy-daddy alone time. Why do you think our marriage is still so strong, lol! Thanks for the video.
Patty Shukla says
Plan some alone time. Put on the TV for the kids, send them to grandma’s house or turn on the computer and let the kids watch educational videos like this one:
My thoughts and prayers go out to you.
admin says
Thank you Patty! Grandma’s house is not an option in this family, however, I just met a kind, wonderful new friend who offered to watch them, so I can have downtime. And yes, we do put on the TV for mommy-daddy alone time. Why do you think our marriage is still so strong, lol! Thanks for the video.
Lee H says
Hang in there hero 🙂 It can be challenging, and downright fatiguing. I hope your friend can come through, you and your hubby are only human and NEED that break.
admin says
Thanks, Lee, you’re really sweet. Yes, we have a new weekend sitter as well, so dates are only temporarily on hold.
Lee H says
Hang in there hero 🙂 It can be challenging, and downright fatiguing. I hope your friend can come through, you and your hubby are only human and NEED that break.
admin says
Thanks, Lee, you’re really sweet. Yes, we have a new weekend sitter as well, so dates are only temporarily on hold.
Mary says
Big Mommy Hug to you!! I fell and live your pain everyday. I’ve been thinking about doing a blog for some time and you have truly inspired me. My son is 3 1/2 and also has SPD.
admin says
Hi Mary, welcome! Thanks. Today was a good day, though. We had a huge party for Zoe and we went well, although we skipped the happy birthday song!
Mary says
Big Mommy Hug to you!! I fell and live your pain everyday. I’ve been thinking about doing a blog for some time and you have truly inspired me. My son is 3 1/2 and also has SPD.
admin says
Hi Mary, welcome! Thanks. Today was a good day, though. We had a huge party for Zoe and we went well, although we skipped the happy birthday song!