Last week, I tried something a little new. In respect for full disclosure, I will admit to you that I probably give the kids too much TV and electronic time. Well, ok, I know I do. And it’s one thing if my daughter is having a rough day to let her relax on the iPad and another to let her drain it down.
Since my mother-in-law visited last week, and since a certain older child of mine misbehaved on Monday, I got tough. I hid the electronics (“where’s my DS?” was a catch phrase most of the week) and let Margaret watch her shows on TV rather than the kids watching anything.
The results were amazing. Truly! The kids became kids again, and attitude, frustration, and all that junk fell away. (Zoe did resort to some crying, but I blame the homeopathy.) Now that we’ve completely skipped over spring and “summer” is here, I plan on launching them into the yard daily. And my hubby not only fired up the grill last night, he also took a walk with the kids. (I was in sinus headache / coffee withdrawal land.)
And now, gratuitous kid picture of the week, Amelia in front of the wall of kindness, where she’s earned stickers quite a bit recently!