OK, well, I just mean that in a lukewarm manner, but to be honest, “just fine” is actually a very good place for me right now. It’s been a rough week month. Babysitter is working smoothly. Work is fine. In the “awesome news” section, Chris may have likely scored some work through the spring. Amelia did VERY well on her spelling test, thanks to Mama Bear’s study efforts. And Zoe’s troubles this week look to be due to lack of sleep (maybe she’s even a little feverish). So after an extremely hard Thursday with her, she slept and slept, woke but then slept some more. Sleep is what she was craving, just like her mom and dad.
As for my ambitions, I’ve been studying on my field, working on my logo, and set up with a dear friend for next month’s NANOWRIMO. (Read her blog, it rocks.) A cropful of opps are out there this month. My new logo is looking GOOD. Last night I scored a little work, which was easily and successfully done, in POWERPOINT no less, and that made me feel GOOD.
And I feel, for the first time in a WHILE, a long while, optimistic. No, that’s not the right word, more like something big is coming down the pike and I’m getting excited.
Did I mention it’s been FOREVER since I felt like this? Maybe not since my pregnancy with Zoe. Sort of feel like this:
So yea, that’s what I mean by “fine”. Evenly keeled, although God knows when that happened. Maybe there was too much drama over the last few weeks, too much anger, too much pain. I became wrapped up in “what is wrong” and found out this morning I didn’t need to go there. Several things had gone wrong by 8AM, but I was determined to live mindfully and drop the bad, embracing the good when it came… and sure enough it did.
Wishing you all a lovely weekend. As for me, if Zoe heals, I’ll get to learn what fondant is…and even taste it!
Happy weekend everyone. Share your good vibe here:
Nina Tidwell says
It’s amazing that you were able to “drop the bad” so to speak. This would be a great title since my husband has been teaching on our thoughts and where they can lead us GOOD or BAD. Thank you for being so open. It really helps others, no matter who we are or where we are in life.
Nina Tidwell
admin says
Nina, I’ll tell you, I listen to a LOT of Joyce Meyer and that’s where i learned it! It’s true, we believe that we are victims of uncontrollable thoughts, but honestly, we choose the pattern. It’s hard to see when you’re not there yet, though, as long experience has taught me 🙂