As we await a response from our homeopath, I’m continuing with having the kids on nothing at all and reintroducing probiotics. It’s been nearly a month now, so last week I thought to myself, what is going on with the kids?
As I observed, there hasn’t been a whole lot of regression. In fact, I can see that Zoe is increasing in vocabulary and, as mentioned, asking to be read to nightly. Amelia may be suffering through typical tweenhood, but she is compliant mostly. There are a few possibilities, also known as, the only things we ARE doing:
- Speech and OT: The girls get both at school – not a whole – but they do have a new team and perhaps they are benefitting.
- Mostly Full Inclusion: They are pulled out for somethings, but participate as much as possible, even have their own workspaces within the classroom.
- The healthy eating.
Naturally, I’m going to expound on that last one. Last week, I told you that that I’m “getting over myself” on being hard core with the diet. Like, I won’t be going failsafe any time soon. If I thought I saw a benefit, I might reconsider, I just don’t right now.
On the other hand, let’s take a look at what the girls ARE eating:
- 95% or more of their meat is grass-fed and has no antibiotics.
- Fruit and veggies play a HIGH component of their diet, all fresh and organic when I can.
- Bad grains, including rice, are OUT (rice/arsenic connection).
- MGS and GMOs are out as much as I possibly can manage, or as much as I know.
- Of course, glutens and caseins are way out. Don’t really do anything that causes me cross-contamination concerns.
- Peanuts are out. I don’t know if this matters they just are.
- Also, nothing from a can, VERY little from a box or container (exception: So Delicious Coconut Ice Cream, Silk Almond milk, and Beanitos or cookies on rare occasions).
- IF we do candy, and it’s rare, maybe once a season, it has to have natural dyes & preservatives, but we’re trying to avoid those altogether.
- The ONLY oils I cook with are sunflower, occasional olive oil, and – wait for it – coconut oil!! My favorite is Nutiva, check it out here.
I’m also thinking the biggest bang here is the coconut oil. They get this stuff once or twice a day, at least, sometimes more, I cook with it so much. It’s really forgiving on cast iron too!
And THIS really interesting thing happened. Amelia looked at me last week and said, “My tummy hurts.” Before I could respond, she got up and said, “I need a probiotic,” and then GOT IT.
I’m so proud I could cry…
AND this…my baby’s ALL heart:
Melissa Long says
It’s interesting as my 3 boys are eating very similarly to your girls. It’s good to have validation that I’m doing something right, as you seem to have it together on the “food front.” The only thing I have a hard time getting rid of is rice. It’s such a hard one for my family! I’ll keep trying, though.
I’ve been wanting to comment for a few weeks now in regards to your personal eating and exercising. I want to let you know I’m right there with ya. I’m trying so hard but it doesn’t seem to make a difference. I’ve been eating healthier and even bought a little “stepper machine” that I use for 30 min/day while watching TV. I absolutely need to be doing more (like I have to lose 50 lbs. more) but I just can’t. For me, the eating healthier and doing 30 min/day is my limit. Yeah, yeah, we, as mothers of special needs children, need to put ourselves first sometimes. Got it. But we aren’t Superwomen either. From your posts, I think your are doing a STELLAR job with your girls, with yourself, and with your marriage. Although I don’t really know you, I think you are an inspiration and should be commended for all you do. Thank you for sharing all your struggles and your awesome triumphs!
Gina B says
Thank you Melissa, that’s really encouraging! I totally don’t think I have it together – should I drop carbs? Sugar? Was I wrong to not do failsafe? It’s so hard.
Oh a stepper machine, I wish. We used to have a 2-ton treadmill, but lost the “on” key when we moved here 🙁 Thank you again, for this encouragement! You’re right..I don’t want to give the impression that I’m superwoman, but I do need more physical activity. I can tell – I just feel crummy lately, and it’s sure not my eating habits or stress. Melissa, you inspire me to keep this blog going and real, and for that, I can’t thank you enough.
Shadra Bruce says
In one of my sleepless nights worrying about my son (Autism spectrum) and the latest teacher crisis, I came across your blog and just wanted to thank you for putting it all out there and sharing your story. You are much more tenacious about food; we’ve made the break from microwaves, fast food, trans fats, and high fructose corn syrup, but still haven’t taken it too much farther. You’ve inspired me to at least start working in probiotics!
Gina B says
Hi Shadra, I’m so happy to have inspired you! Take it slow – nothing wrong with that. “Getting better all the time” is my motto. It takes steps to improve, no one can do this stuff over night. Good for you..and don’t give up! Slow, steady change is really the best way for us humans, lol.
Melissa Long says
I forgot to mention 2 things in my last post……First, my kids know when they need probiotics as well. I’m positive that is one of the key factors in them staying very healthy (especially in winter). Which brand do you use for your girls? We love Springboard Floraboost, but I’m very open to trying something new, especially if it’s cheaper (the kind we use is typically $17 for 1.8 grams). Also, the little stepper that I got is exactly that-LITTLE! 🙂 It’s so easy to drag around and it has bungy cords on it so you can work your arms too. I got one on Amazon for something like $65. It’s a good investment and makes it really easy to get a workout in. Just thought I’d give you a heads up in case you were thinking the stepper cost a lot of money. We had a recumbant bike in our basement for over 10 years and I never wanted to go down there,so I understand where you are coming from. We finally just sold the dang bike as it was collecting dust and taking up space! Have a great day!
Gina B says
Wow, Melissa, thanks! I’m so going to check this out on Amazon. Second, we use mostly Body Biotics, it’s $29 if you drop a member’s name for I think 90 pills. Right now, though, we are working through Kirkman’s probiotics, which I got free at the NAC conference last fall. It seems to work well – Zoe’s chronic diarrhea already tapered off, as did her rash. I’m not sure how much that costs. Ok, off to check out that stepper!
Melissa Long says
The Stepper I got was the Sunny Health and Fitness Twister Stepper-It’s been great for my needs! I hope you can find something that works for you. :)Thanks for the info on the probiotics. I’ll have to check them out….I’m glad Zoe is doing better.