“Selah” is a biblical term. It’s used in Psalms, between verses, on it’s own with a period. (Or at least that’s how it’s translated.) I read some time back that no one is certain what it means, but they believe it’s a musical pause between verses. Christians at large accept it to be a metaphor for “break” (We were on a BREAK! Woops, sorry 🙂
If you look at it that way, as my pastor said this week, I’m in a time of selah. I needed a break, a pause, a time to regenerate, recuperate. In June, I couldn’t understand why I was so lost. Nothing was coming. My creativity was on vacation and it didn’t invite me. The Muse had LEFT the building.
Then work SLOOOOOOWED down, and prospects thinned, and Chris went back to work, and school ended, and I was befuddled. After all, I’m very much a Type A Mommy-Worker-Entrepreneur-Wife-Writer. I have to be doing, all the time, something interesting. The boredom disintegrated into demotivation, the books I was reading didn’t move me, and all seemed at a FULL STOP.
So what has happened in this time of Selah? Not much, really, until this week:
- Amelia pooped in the potty TONIGHT first time of her own volition.
- Zoe peed in the potty for the new sitter, yay! Also her own volition.
- Zoe understood for the first time that poop doesn’t belong on stuff, rather it needs to be in the diaper or potty. (Don’t ask.)
- I figured out my unique selling point, my niche, a way to make it work without hiring anyone, and a perfect setup for my new business, which works on way too many levels to be coincidence.
- I got back on Twitter and good stuff flowed from there (more another day).
- My creativity started to flow again.
- I am learning a lot and amping up my skill set.
That’s it for now. I have blog posts due, and I feel bad for them being late, but being short on help this week has WIPED me out, so has sleeping poorly. (Hm, not a problem when I journaled, need to get back to that!) Good stuff going on all around.
How about you? Have you ever had a time of emptiness, a long flat valley, a period of Selah, that ended in a great result? Share your stories in the comments! Note that I moderate comments for newcomers.
Stay tuned! Reviews and giveaways are on the horizon!
Tammy says
Congratulations on taking a time for Selah! All too often mommies of our personality types don’t take time to slow down. I guess that’s what I’m in right now too, just didn’t know it until I read your blog. It’s time to come out of the Selah for me as well I’ll be spending the next 21 days getting back in to the swing of things. Why 21 days you ask? Well, because that’s what they say it takes to for a habit and I have 3 that will coincide in that time. I believe this will be my big result and I’m posting it all on my blog for accountability! 🙂
admin says
That is so true – I’m glad I reminded you. Yes, I’ve heard of the 21 day rule. Good luck Tammy! I’ll be checking your blog, lol…
Elizabeth says
Sorry I can’t figure out how else to contact you! Could you please consider promoting http://www.refresheverything.com/sophiascure . Check out the link-if you have Facebook voting literally takes seconds.
Right now we are stuck in 3rd and have to be in 1st or 2nd to win the 250k (which will all go toward researching a cure.) If you check out the current leaders also you’ll see how determined we are to win this funding. Thank you in advance for even considering it—reaching out to moms through some of the top mom blogs is our best chance I think.
If you have any questions please email me!!! Thanks!!!!
Elizabeth says
Sorry I can’t figure out how else to contact you! Could you please consider promoting http://www.refresheverything.com/sophiascure . Check out the link-if you have Facebook voting literally takes seconds.
Right now we are stuck in 3rd and have to be in 1st or 2nd to win the 250k (which will all go toward researching a cure.) If you check out the current leaders also you’ll see how determined we are to win this funding. Thank you in advance for even considering it—reaching out to moms through some of the top mom blogs is our best chance I think.
If you have any questions please email me!!! Thanks!!!!
Katrina Stonoff says
Oh, I love this. You know, the biblical rule of letting everything have a fallow period (one in seven) makes a lot of sense. Why do I forget this?
Thanks for the reminder. Selah.
admin says
Anytime Katrina! We all forget. In fact, I spent the better part of June thinking, why can’t I create?
Katrina Stonoff says
Oh, I love this. You know, the biblical rule of letting everything have a fallow period (one in seven) makes a lot of sense. Why do I forget this?
Thanks for the reminder. Selah.
admin says
Anytime Katrina! We all forget. In fact, I spent the better part of June thinking, why can’t I create?