This season, I have a lot to be thankful for. I would be remiss if I didn’t know that the real source of all the joy, peace, and abundance I’m experiencing is God. With that said, I’m grateful to my Creator for everything, including my faith, my salvation, and the AMAZING friends and “family” I’ve found at my church.
I’m grateful for my family. My husband is a tower of awesomeness that he likes to hide from other people. I cannot even mention the support and comfort he’s given me over the years, plus love and the ability to make me feel sexy even when I’m 7 years his senior. I’m grateful that God answered our prayers to have to two little girls, and that they work hard, day and night, to do what they are supposed in the face of disabilities. I dare say neurotypical kids do no more, but even if they do, who cares? Amelia and Zoe light up my life, have taught me a lot, and just plain make my heart full. Thank you, beautiful family!
To the rest of my family, I love you…I can’t wait to see my sister, her kids, and their families, and my Dad tomorrow. I miss you all and love you so much! To all of those too far away to visit, you’re often in my hearts. I’m grateful for all you of, and for Facebook so we can connect. (Yay for Sims!)
To my kids’ team: Adrienne, our fearless and helpful behavioral specialist, Mrs. C and Mrs. S, Ms. M, and Scott, and Miss P, not to mention the director, coordinator and entire team of AWESOME at Seven Generations. I have no doubt God put this school in my kids’ life. Also a special thanks to Bob and all the bus drivers who put up with some crazy stuff, but always manage to get my kids to school. You rock.
A big thank you to my neighbors and a bit apology that I’ve laid so low this year and avoided being a good or generous neighbor. That will change, I promise.
I’m grateful for being a free agent rather than a full-time employee and all the amazing opportunities that have allowed me as both a web designer and a blogger. A big shout out to all my sponsors and clients – you guys are amazing, I don’t have a single client that makes me crazy! And a shout out to VSP for my first brand ambassador job, and the kickass aviators that came in the mail the other day. Woohoo! Other big thanks for the amazing ladies at WDG and Margie and Susan, who keep me accountable every single week!
I’m grateful for my beautiful home, my computers, all the million things that keep my home running. I’m very thankful to Jessica at You Are What You Eat for helping us kick this crazy diet into shape and teaching me to STOP eating poison. Love the fine people on our FB lists, that help me heal myself, my family, and make ass slimmer 🙂
I’m thankful for all the friends I adore who I’ve never met in person: CJ, Katrina, Ginger, and the other 27,000 good friends I’m forgetting! I’m grateful to God that after spending my whole life with few or no friends, I have more than my share online and off, people who are like family too, who I love so much (you know who you are).
Yay for SheSpeaks and ParentSociety for letting me blog here. Blogging keeps me sane, and sharing my stories there helps me get.. saner!
I’m thankful for being who I am, where I am right now, with all my opportunities, gifts, blessings, and abundance. I’m happy to be 46 and psyched about what 2012 will bring (screw the Mayans).
Last, but certainly NOT least, readers, I’m so happy for the blessing of YOU. I’ve said before that big things are coming, I’m hoping they can be live Jan 1, but maybe we’re looking at the spring. I’m turning Mom-Blog into a very special, very womanly community, and I’d LOVE your comments on what you’d like to see here. You keep me going, and I want to bless you with more stuff that will keep you coming back and sharing and relating to each other.
peace namaste and God bless.. and happy Thanksgiving!
raizhas says
I was seriously reading your post and then got a good laugh about the Mayans LOL my mom was worried about this calendar, anyway there are a thousand things we have to be grateful about.
admin says
There certainly are! Ah, those crazy Mayans 🙂