I’ve been really feeling crummy lately. Add to that, no child care with the kids at home (camp is LONG over), exhaustion from far too much activity in July and sinus attacks that increase with heat and humidity and it’s been a LONG summer.
So with more whole weeks to go, a ton of work to do and no week-long vacation this year, how can I ensure I feel better? I woke up this morning feeling a lot better. Here’s what I did- without realizing -and how you can turn it into a way to pep up if you’re feeling overwhelmed by heat and the kids.
1. Drink Less Alcohol

Green Smoothie beats Angry Orchard any day!
I always feel like the weekend means kicking back and drinking, you know, wine at night and beer with burger. Not enough to get drunk, but you get tired of seltzer and water. But this weekend, I was too allergic to drink at all, except a little bit with my True Blood viewing last night. It felt really good! I suspect that the dehydrating factor of alcohol is probably a little tougher on our bodies in the summer heat. So cool it without a cooler, if you want to stop feeling run down.
2. Eat Better
I also tend to feel like the weekend is a time to eat lots of JUNK – MEAT & CUPCAKES NOW PLEASE. Really! But this weekend I did the uncharacteristic thing of subbing in smoothies for a heavy dinner, and veggie pizza – and it worked. I really DO feel better. In fact, I just had broccoli fried in GF homemade breadcrumbs with flax in olive oil for lunch. YUM.
3. Get Out and Walk
I know it sounds obvious, but when the heat is high and you are feeling drained, walking is actually the last thing you want to do. I don’t advocate walking outdoors in the high heat or on high allergy alert days, but you can walk indoors. We visited Adventure Aquarium on Saturday and what I liked best is that it was a solid couple of hours of entertaining indoor walking. High heat days are ideal for aquariums, museums, science exhibits, conservatories, historic homes, etc. – and are great for getting the kids’ brain pumping during their summer slump!
4. Enjoy Some Good Fiction
You know you want to read it.. Go ahead, click the my affiliate link! Or google it amazon on your own…
This weekend, I was crazy excited for the the debut of “Outlander” on Starz. I’m actually annoyed by all the articles I’m reading on it. Just sit back and enjoy it for what it is: sexy, fun, scary, dangerous – dang good period drama. OK? It’s so good that my HUSBAND is really looking forward to the next episode a lot, so to all you “chick flick” naysayers – you’re wrong! Plus I spent a good deal of time with my nose in the book book, “The Glass Kitchen: A Novel of Sisters (my affiliate link),” that I got at Blogger Bash. It’s pretty steamy too, in that subtle way I like on the RARE books I read with, ya know, nookie in them. It’s not very Christian, true, unless you channel it into your husband. And that’s all I’m going to say about the NEXT thing I did to enjoy this weekend!
6. Avoid Conflict
When you let go of conflict, you make room for fun.
This weekend, Chris wanted to do some stuff and go some places I wasn’t into – and avoid places I would have liked to go. I put in a mild effort to change his mind but didn’t press at all, and just went with his wishes. It was a great idea! Not only that, but last time we went to Philly, we had a ginormous fight because our hotel staff was absolutely *clueless* (the nice way to put it) about recommending gluten-free restaurants. This time, I pulled up the app I had already preloaded and we had a GLORIOUS pizza lunch at Couch Tomato, who offer gluten and vegan options! It rocked. (No, I’m not sure if they cross-contaminate because I’m lightening up on food issues and “avoiding conflict.”)
Not only that, but it’s been something of an EPIC fail to get the kids interested in doing any of their Summer Work. So, I let it go. I’m trying to find more creative ways, like a board game I just got that teaches telling time, and letting Zoe go to bed with her books. Yea, I know, I should be pounding away at the home schooling – but I don’t have the strength, energy or time (somehow, I’m out of time). But I’m letting all that go – it IS summer, after all, and they DID work at camp. So whatever! I’m enjoying them and they *I hope* are enjoying me. I want to be a happy summer!!
I’m really FIGHTING the urge to say “I suck” or “EPIC FAIL” as I parent my way through a tough summer, but letting go and enjoying the time we have at home is helping.
Jeanine @MommyEntourage says
I love the idea of “get out and walk.” On days when nothing seems to be going as planned, getting outside for a few minutes (alone if possible!) can really be a mood changer.
Gina B says
Definitely! Plus it’s healthy, it’s energy and you never forget how to walk, LOL! Seriously I’ve been sitting on my butt they whole summer and 3 hours of walking was JUST FINE.
Jo-Lynne Shane {Musings of a Housewife} says
I should add to the list: sign them up for summer camps! LOL. the weeks my kids are at camp, they’re happier, and happier. But my wallet isn’t happier. Thus, this week with no camp. and it’s KILLING me! LOL
Gina B says
My kids get free camp but it’s only 19 mornings – and they’re home by noon!! But it was heaven and they are asking for it. And the special needs camps are unbelievably pricy, like $1000 per child per week BEFORE any transportation. YIKES.
Barb @ A Life in Balance says
I had to check out your post when I saw the title. I’ve been feeling the drain, too. Not drinking enough water and fighting off a summer cold don’t help.
I’d love for you to share this at my Motivation Monday party. I’m sure I’m not the only one feeling this way.
Gina B says
Oh thank you Barb! I certainly will.
Bay says
All good ideas! But I’m ashamed to say…I don’t even know what the picture in #2 is! Lol
Gina B says
LOL! Green smoothie ingredients in my blender. Spinach, almond milk, sunbutter, flax and probably fruit below.
Reesa Lewandowski says
Boy oh boy, did I need this post today!!!! Summer burnout + rainy days = frazzled mommy!!!!!
Gina B says
Yes! That rain is a bummer!
Gina B says
True, I love a walk but only on temperate says 🙂
Heather says
I need a good green smoothie recipe. I made a mess of one today.
Gina B says
I followed the recipes to the LETTER first few times, then gave up. I do: handful of fresh green kale, half a banana, 3-5 frozen strawberries, 1 cup almond milk, handful of cut up pineapple including juice, and about half a packet of organic stevia if the milk is unsweetened. 🙂
Greta says
Awesome tips! Summer if officially over for us today, but I did a lot of reading and tried to work out most days (although, the end of summer did me in there).
Gina B says
You are lucky! We have still 2 more weeks til one goes back, and 2.5 weeks before the one I have to keep hawk eyes on goes back 🙂 Downside to reading: I stay up to the wee hours doing it, lol. But I get to sleep in too.
Gina B says
Lots and LOTS of water!! or Seltzer with fruit, big fan of that! 🙂
ronalee says
These are some great ideas. I had never really thought about how drinking makes you feel run down until I read it here. It makes perfect sense to me now. Thanks for the tips !
Gina B says
I know! We tend to think of it as a relaxant but sometimes that’s the problem.