Healing Your Family With Simple Detox Steps
Overwhelmed by the idea of detoxing? What is it? How do you do it?
Removing harmful chemicals from your food and home – can help your family thrive.
Want to stop your kids from getting sick this fall and winter?
Want your child to be healthier and happier and have more energy for yourself so you can fight the battle and thrive
Imagine if…
- Your child started to get better grades and make friends
- Your kids made it through this winter without missing school or having a runny nose
- You didn’t feel overwhelmed all the time
- You actually had time for yourself…to take a bath or read a book
- Your kids are healthier and your home is free of toxic chemicals
Before I detoxed my home and my family, my children were plagued with behavioral issues brought on by their disabilities. While I knew that some foods could be having an impact, I didn’t understand the impact until I took artificial dyes and flavors out of their diets.
My autistic daughter, who was entering the first grade at the time, suddenly started playing with her peers for the first time! Instead of just playing beside them, she actively engaged and befriended those she felt most comfortable with. After years of avoiding other children, she now had friends and even started to play with her sister.
This began me on a further journey to completely detox my home and my food. Would a cleaner house and home mean a cleaner bill of health for my children and more energy for me? I’m happy to report that at my daughter’s last well visit, our pediatrician said that she was in “perfect health. She looks great.”
I’ve also gotten compliments from other parents on my children have improved socially and behaviorally and been told, “Whatever you’re doing, KEEP doing it.”
When my kids do get a rare virus, they are never sick for more than a day or two, at most.
And I’m glad I joined them in this journey to eat and live cleaner. I have more energy, better sleep and a better outlook on life since cleaning toxic chemicals and substances out of our home. Won’t you join me in this journey?
You’ll get:
- 4 modules of video trainings
- My personal email address to ask any questions
- A resource list of my favorites and more helpful articles!
Just think: happier, healthier kids, a home that is truly clean and more energy to do what you need to do. You can accomplish all of this in less than 30 minutes a week with my new training.