Worry. It’s the backbone of the life of many parents raising kids with special needs. At times, it can help – a little worry can teach us important lessons in planning ahead, especially if you’re a spontaneous gal like I am.
But the truth is that if you are a Christian, worry is a willful sin. I know, I know, it doesn’t feel like a sin. It feels like a natural response to complex situations that you cannot control. Or maybe, just maybe, you think CAN control them…you just haven’t figured out how yet. So you work it, obsess, read, investigate and pretty soon you have zero answers and many sleepless nights.
Sound familiar? Sure does for me.
The thing is, that worry – especially if it leads to believing that you are in control of things you’re not -is a sin. Why? Because that’s like saying that God, the Creator of the universe is not big enough to handle this, or doesn’t know what’s coming, or can’t protect us when it does come. But if you are a Christian, God promises us in the Bible that He’s got your life in hands:
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. – Romans 8:28
That emphasis is the key: His purpose, not our ease, comfort or escape from calamity. In the Bible, the apostle Paul finds himself in prison many, many times and is ultimately killed for his faith – yet look at what amazing work came out of his trust in God.
So when the chessboard pieces of politics, school officials, medical laws, healthcare, unemployment, financial disasters, illness, disabilities, and all the other things that have no possibility of knowing the final outcome with certainty, what you CAN determine is that God, who is ALWAYS faithful, has got your back, no matter what comes.
I mean it: NO MATTER WHAT. Crappy politicians. Broken hearts. Bullies, Betrayal. Closed schools. Losing favorite staff for your kids. Losing medical coverage. Losing your job. Broken cars and boilers. Unpaid bills. Cancer. Alzheimer’s. Autism.
A child who will never live independently in a world where there is no funding to support her.
God has it.
This, then, is the promise of Christianity. I have friends in other religions or who are agnostic or atheist, but I don’t hear of see this level of absolute security from them that I have in my faith; I don’t see unwavering trust that chases away all the uncertainty.
And I’m NOT saying that the unthinkable won’t happen. I don’t believe in any kind of “prosperity” theology or that God will keep you from hardship and pain that He believes will be for your good – or rather, for His good.
I am saying that when He does give you more than you can bear (and I promise you, He will), He will be there to help you, to hold you, to direct you, to grow you and put you exactly in the place He needs you. As I said, for Paul in the Bible that was often prison – and from all that “free time” in prison, he wrote most of the New Testament’s letters. I’m sure he also saved a good number of guards, fellow inmates, and others.
All over the world, we are seeing this worked out here in the U.S., in 3rd world countries or places where Jesus “lost ground” decades ago. A girl is shot for faith in Jesus at Columbine and the story is remembered to this day. ISIS beheads 21 people, and the faithful turn it into a remembrance of love for God. Over 100 Kenyan students are killed for their faith, and Christians realize that Jesus had more people to celebrate Easter in heaven with this year. Every single one of those Christians knew they were stepping out of this life into that promise of heaven, of an eternity worshiping God Almighty. To them, it was worth everything because they KNEW without a doubt that God is faithful.
Right now there is a lot going on that threatens parents like me who are raising kids with autism and other disabilities, living nontoxic lives and seeking alternative therapies. I’m on this path of healing my kids by the grace of God. Should those options be taken away, that, too, will be by the grace of God. I’m doing what I can, as far as I feel God leading to help these issues go the way I think they should, but I can’t see the future.
In fact, in raising kids with special needs is a path of “one day at a time”…and that’s ok. I’m making sure that each and every one of those days, I’m connecting with the beautiful family I live with and showing them my love for God as much as possible. I can’t worry about the future because Jesus tells me not to:
So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today. – Matthew 6:34
So stop worrying, dear reader, about laws and bills and money and support and your car and your home. Instead, consider the state of your heart in relation to God and how much you trust Him.
Why should you trust Him?
Because God created every single thing in the universe. So yes, He has control over all of it.
Because Jesus gave us this gift: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:27). So yes, we Christians have peace.
Because Jesus sent to Holy Spirit to comfort us in times of worry and tribulation (John 14:16,17). So yes, we have comfort too.
My prayer is that you let not your hearts be troubled, but seek God with prayer and scriptures to calm your fears and learn to wholly and completely trust the God who loves you.
What are you worrying about today that God has in His Mighty Hands?
Susan says
I can’t imagine the weight of worry for parents of special needs kids, Gina, but I have friends and family who carry this burden. So I’m passing your post onto them via our Father’s House Facebook page. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and personal experience.
Gina says
I appreciate that Susan! It’s a burden at times, but it’s a blessing too. When they overcome a hurdle they’ve struggled with for a long time, all I can do is shout to the Lord with joy 🙂
Jann says
He is always faithful. Always with us and never will leave us! Praying that every day you are reminded of these truths! Blessings
Gina says
Thank you so much! I pray that too 🙂
Coupon Gal (Andi) says
God is greater than anything that we are going through – He will give us the way (and I’m with you on the whole non-toxic things for special needs kids – i’m on the Spectrum, too 😀 )
Gina says
He is greater! Thank you for sharing that, I’m glad to hear you say that. To be honest, we ALL should be getting toxic things out of our cabinets if we want to live a healthy life!
Mary Collins says
I’m going through a lot of financial troubles right now and this morning I was quoting John 14:27 this morning to calm myself down. I can’t believe you have the same verse in this post. He must be speaking to me. Thanks for posting this, my sister in Christ.
Gina says
Oh I’m so happy to hear that confirmation, Mary! To tell you the truth, the FIRST 3 posts I read this morning totally echoed all the verses I’d been reading or teaching my kids this week. We have such an amazing God, don’t we? Thank you for sharing!
Jennie Goutet says
Gina this is truly what I need to read right now. Thank you. I’m taking it to heart.
Gina says
Oh I’m so glad to hear that! I pray it comfort and grow you.
Cheri Gamble says
Such a great reminder! God holds us all in His hands!
Gina says
Beautifully said Cheri!
KC says
It can be so hard sometimes to remember that it isn’t our job to handle things. I really like how you say that he will give us more than we can handle, but he will be there to help us through it.
Gina says
Thanks KC. I like the way you put it. Handling stuff like things is His job! We always forget 🙂