Zipping up the jacket and hood for outdoor play. Sensory issues? What sensory issues?? Ah, I remember the days when she’d only wear a jacket if it were below freezing!
Last week, I had an interesting incident with Zoe. As we’ve made this journey with homeopathy, my biggest question has been, “Does homeopathy work to relieve the disabilities caused by autism?” It’s been an interesting process. While others see dramatic events immediately, we’ve seen baby steps and things like 3 steps forward, 1 or 2 back.
Not easy for a parent with a struggling child, but detox, cleansing, and healing all take time and patience.
Anyway, back to the incident. We were reading our Bible just before bed, and as I was trying to get Zoe to settle down, she picked her head up and looked at me. Now, let me clarify: she’s a child who’s always made eye contact with those she trusts very well, but I felt, in my core, there was something different about this stare. Maybe she was trying to communicate with a meaningful look – pretty big for a kid with autism, anyway, but I’m not sure it was that.
It exactly looked like some curtains had been parted and she was seeing out with clarity for the first time.
That night, I hit up my homeopathy groups and asked the question if I was seeing what I thought. And while I got support, my doubter’s heart wasn’t quite convinced. Maybe it was just wishful mama thinking.
Two days later, I went to the parent-teacher conferences. Zoe’s teacher, Mrs. W., was absolutely aglow with how wonderful her progress has been and quite proud of her. Scott, her aide, confirmed how much progression there had been since last year: following the class without prompting, interacting with the other kids, cutting off preferred activities to participate, even watching a MOVIE ON MATH for about 10 minutes (what?? hallelujah!).
Then, Mrs. W., turned to me and said, “The other day she was walking down the hallway, saw me, stopped, looked right into my eyes, recognized me, and gave me a hug.”
My heart leapt, because in that moment, I had my confirmation of Zoe’s moment of clarity. You can say this is still *just* wishful thinking, but for me, right now, I can see that something radical happened last week in the inner workings of her brain. Does homeopathy work on autism?
For my family, the answer is a resounding “yes.”
It’s been a great school year, but as you can see, a WONDERFUL two months:

Zoe’s in the teal blue shirt – well behaved and listening to the teacher during investigations. Just one of the class!
PS: I just realized it’s Teacher Appreciation Day. I DON’T want you to think that the teachers in Zoe’s life had nothing to do with this! We have a wonderful school, a wonderful support system, and we are blessed to have teachers, in both Amelia and Zoe’s lives, who care about them and want them to succeed, and do everything in their power to help. Mrs. W., Mrs. S., Stephanie, Melissa, Scott, Danielle, all their past teachers – you are all my girls’ teachers, and you all rock! They are flourishing because you give your all!
Kat says
Wonderful! I had a moment of clarity like that with a little girl I used to babysit. It was breathtaking! So exciting…you are an amazing mom!
Gina B says
I’m so glad you got to witness something like that Kat! It’s really something special. Thank you 🙂
Noelle (@singerinkitchen) says
How beautiful! These moments are gifts from God!
Gina B says
They truly are, Noelle, and I thank Him every night.
Colleen (Souffle Bombay) says
So wonderful! It’s moments like that we all live for! You are doing such a great job as a mom!!
Gina B says
Aw, thanks, Colleen! We moms surely do live for this stuff 🙂
Gina B says
LOL, I hope these great moments multiply too!
Gina B says
Thanks Xandra! My only regret is not knowing what I know now …not being more open-minded, that is…a whole lot sooner. Live & learn what you don’t expect.
Gina B says
Thanks Jeanine! And yea, they are cute, but we usually don’t have that good a selection in late summer 🙂
Janeane Davis says
What a beautiful moment. I hope you and your daughter have many more such beautiful moments.
Gina B says
Aw, thank you. I’m sure we will, and I cherish every single one.