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I just want to start out by saying that I fell off The Fast Metabolism Diet, and immediately felt like crap. Coffee was back, wine was back, balance was OUT the window. My water consumption was back down to a glass or so a day, exercise was done for, and I was back to what’s a vegetable.
In the light of this, I’ve decided to go back on the diet, somewhat. First of all, I’m not going to beat myself up about it. I have key components of this eating style that I need to do:
- drinking all that water
- the regular exercise portion
- the food itself-lots and lots of veggies, no nitrates, healthy fats
- regular, regular eating! every 3 hours is a must do
I haven’t done that great so far but I plan on also reducing coffee as much as possible, eliminating glutens & most dairy, and dropping out of drinking more than on weekends, a little. In other words, I’m taking the GOOD that I learned from the Fast Metabolism Diet and turning it into less of detox diet, and more of a healthy eating plan the works for me on a regular basis.
So for me, it’s unrealistic to completely eliminate coffee, alcohol, dairy, or chocolate, and always eliminate glutens – although I’m getting better with that last. But if I can pick and choose, that will help.
I need to start feeling better. I need my skin to glow again. I need not to feel like an absolute train wreck.
It’s funny how I’m so finely attuned to diet right now, nutrition and what it is – or is not – doing to or for me. I hope and pray that in the next year, my husband and I can join our kids in doing homeopathy for ourselves, to resolve all the other issues – for me, thyroid and stroke prevention. (Is there a natural way to thin my blood that reduces risk?) Perhaps I get on a plan to see a naturopath as well, rather than being managed by a straight out MD, or perhaps, an MD / DO, if I can find a very good one.
That said, I got on the scale this morning and was down to 118.4lbs, so even doing The Fast Metabolism Diet just for 2 weeks is STILL having a positive effect on my body!
Link up your good going this Monday morning at Motivation Mondays!
Disclaimer: My own affiliate links and image used.
Stacie says
Good job on getting back on track! I love that you’re taking the plan and tweaking it to work for you, it’s so much easier to stick with it that way.
Gina B says
Yea, I think so ! There’s great things about it too., but I still stink at pre-planning, lol
Dee says
Metabolism is one of those foreign concepts to me. I’ll have to check out this fast metabolism diet. Sounds interesting for sure. Great job!
Gina B says
How it works is all explained in the book. Like I said in the last week’s review, you’ll want the iPhone app if you do this diet!
Gina B says
Thanks, but this week, I’m struggling. Not enough planning again, and life trumping food choices. Ugh.
jeanae says
Yay for results!
All the best to you as you travel the path of health and fitness
Gina B says
Thanks, Jeanae! I’m all “yay” too 🙂