So this is a constant thing in my posts: failing & flailing.
I am not eating right, drinking right, too much coffee, not sleeping right or enough, sore, in pain, crampy..
OK, I didn’t mean to write a list of complaints, I’m sorry! The deal is I’m just completely overwhelmed. I have no idea how to get from here (feeling like crap) to there (fit and feeling good) with my schedule, and I’m very much burnt out. Thing is, I suspect it will be a few weeks until I adjust to my new workload, figure out the kids’ summer, and still I have yet to discover what Chris’ schedule and availability will be.
So it’s not getting better any time soon 🙂
That said, I’ve got too much on my plate. I had planned to eat right, but had a bagel for breakfast (I have to scarf through the goodies I got for a campaign.) Then 2 cups of coffee (with milk & xylitol) because I was THAT tired. Then hubby came home with Dunkin Donuts, and I inhaled one so fast that HE freaked out.
I never EVER do that.
So, yea, I got a little bit of stress (by which I mean, a ton of it). I hear you when you say exercise will help, but I’ve got my mind set that sleep will help more.
Anyway, tomorrow’s another day. Â I’d say in a week or two, I will hopefully be in a good rhythm, and yes, just in time for vacation and school’s out.
Oh. Well. Anyway, the lesson for this week has been: be thankful for what you have. And while I’m not in good shape, I’m not obese, and my jeans still fit even if they’re kind of painfully tight this morning. Kids are good, and husband is no longer infected with the awful virus he had this weekend, so that’s a relief. And despite the IEP and summer paperwork, this week is sandwiched between 2 respite cares, and a new sitter starts next weekend. That’s a big yay, and somewhere between here & there, I’ll get the food thing down.
Peace to you all..have a better Monday than me!
Image courtesy of Grant Cochrane  /