EVERY parent needs to watch this video by food activist Robyn O’Brien. Something is going on:
THEN do something. Change to REAL organic. Dump GMOs. Join a league that helps you combat the forces at work here. We always say we live in a democracy but, other than voting, do we do anything about it? Do we pay attention to who’s paying for who’s campaigns?
Wouldn’t it be great if all the mothers with kids with chronic diseases, disabilities, and terminal illnesses marched on Washington, or made their own really powerful lobby?
I know this is hard to think about. I know you are busy, but the fact is there are organization forming all around us to help us join the fight for good, clean food and a good environment rather than the toxic dump that our kids’ homes are becoming.
Here are some groups:
If you know more, add them to the comments. We are the mothers of the future of America, but their future won’t be worth a damn if they don’t make it there.
Learn more about allergies, GMOs, soy and the cover up about how modern food is hurting with Robyn’s book, The Unhealthy Truth: One Mother’s Shocking Investigation into the Dangers of America’s Food Supply– and What Every Family Can Do to Protect Itself, which you can purchase through my Amazon Affiliate link:
PsychMamma says
Amen, sister! This gets me fired up to do something more than what I’m doing right now. I currently buy as much organic as I can, shop our local farmer’s market, grow some of our own vegetables (on the patio!!) and look for non GMO foods. I feel so strongly about what Robyn talked about that I’d like to make a bigger difference. I need to figure out how to do that.
Here’s a link for the Non-GMO Project. They have a Twitter account as well:
admin says
Groovey, and I am SO psyched to see you here. 🙂 Might need your help as I figure out how to move towards this in a bigger way (like my whole blog, lol!)
PsychMamma says
Amen, sister! This gets me fired up to do something more than what I’m doing right now. I currently buy as much organic as I can, shop our local farmer’s market, grow some of our own vegetables (on the patio!!) and look for non GMO foods. I feel so strongly about what Robyn talked about that I’d like to make a bigger difference. I need to figure out how to do that.
Here’s a link for the Non-GMO Project. They have a Twitter account as well:
admin says
Groovey, and I am SO psyched to see you here. 🙂 Might need your help as I figure out how to move towards this in a bigger way (like my whole blog, lol!)
Lynn says
I’m fairly skeptical of the usefulness of marches, protests, or even voting. Businesses will do what makes them money. The best way to promote change is by simply buying healthy foods, and encouraging our friends to do the same. Then, businesses will see that this is where the money is, and will start providing more of these at more competitive prices. It’s a long tough road, but one that will make the world a healthier place.
admin says
Lynn, you have a good point. Although, I do think visibility is important for a push, and these days it seems *most* parents I meet are concerned about these issues, whereas a few years ago, it just seemed to be the fringe of consumers. (Just from a “what I see in the media” perspective.)
Lynn says
I’m fairly skeptical of the usefulness of marches, protests, or even voting. Businesses will do what makes them money. The best way to promote change is by simply buying healthy foods, and encouraging our friends to do the same. Then, businesses will see that this is where the money is, and will start providing more of these at more competitive prices. It’s a long tough road, but one that will make the world a healthier place.
admin says
Lynn, you have a good point. Although, I do think visibility is important for a push, and these days it seems *most* parents I meet are concerned about these issues, whereas a few years ago, it just seemed to be the fringe of consumers. (Just from a “what I see in the media” perspective.)