Hello, I’m Gina Badalaty, owner of Embracing Imperfect. As a long-time personal (since 2002) and professional blogger (2008), I’ve shared my journey raising my daughters even with the challenges that their disabilities present. I’m also a brand ambassador for a number of clean brands and stores.
My journey to accepting and embracing my own imperfections wasn’t easy and it certainly didn’t happen overnight! At 33, I had a stroke. While I fully recovered, I lost some dreams at that time and it was devastating. I questioned my existence and why God had allowed this to happen to me.
After a high-risk pregnancy a few years later, I became a mom for the first time. While I was prepared to have a child, I was unprepared for my daughter’s diagnosis of Mosaic Down syndrome. I was scared, especially since she was also diagnosed with a hole in her heart. It taught me a lot about being a parent right away.
While my daughter’s heart issues cleared on their own, I basked in her sweet and loving nature. To say she changed me for the better would be an understatement. Within a few years, my husband and I were ready for another baby.
Zoe was born in 2005 and was what I thought was a “spirited” child. We later learned that she had sensory processing issues and was diagnosed with autism at age 3. Just when I thought I had figured out this mom gig, another monkey wrench was thrown in!
By the time Zoe was five, she still had not yet slept through the night. A friend recommended removing dairy from her diet and within 2 short weeks, she was sleeping through the night!
Since then, I’ve learned a lot about the power of food, as well as the impact that toxins can have on the most vulnerable of our population: our babies. I now know that organic eating and creating a less toxic life can help children thrive and can give moms the energy and stamina they need to see their families through good times and bad.
I’m not just a believer, though. I’ve seen how cleaning eating and reducing chemicals have benefitted my family.
I won’t have every answer and I can’t give you perfect solutions for your child. The fact is, we are all imperfect. God made us all that way. And no matter where your kids are at, you’re imperfect too – and guess what? That’s ok! It’s all about overcoming adversity!
In fact, my kids’ disabilities have shown how truly far from perfect I am and how much closer children are to real truth.
I am a firm believer in the abilities of people with autism, Down syndrome, and other disabilities, even if they can’t communicate well.
Moms have the power to help their autistic children thrive kids with real nutrition and therapies.
Since then I’ve learned about MAPs doctors, alternative therapies, autism diets, GAPS Diet, Feingold Diet, allergy-free cooking, real food benefits, gut bacteria, how to go green, detoxing your life, organic living, GMOs, real food cooking and, somehow, became a foodie.
I believe that detoxing your food, your home, and your life can lead to real healing, better functioning brains and maybe even help you live longer.
Things I’ve learning raising my kids?
- Trust your instincts.
- Leave no stone unturned. NOT A SINGLE STONE.
- Ask questions, a LOT of questions, and never take “no answer” for an answer. There is almost ALWAYS an answer.
- Take the terms “science” and “scholarly” with a grain of salt. Better yet, see if you can find a money trail motivating them. I do believe in science but I’ve seen corruption wreck what it has become today.
- Lean on your faith. You’ll need to; you WILL get more than you can handle.
- Take help when you can get it! Respite care, an offer for someone to watch your kids, your spouse cooking dinner. You never know when you’ll get that chance again – maybe next week, or maybe not for another 8 or 10 months. I’ve been down both roads!
- The heck with housekeeping. I prefer giving my kids the freedom to draw on my walls once in a while.
- Nutrition is EVERYTHING.
- Enjoy yourself and your kids when your demanding life allows for it. You need to and your kids need you to as well.
- Look for tiny signs that your child has overcome something – taken nothing for granted!
- And most importantly?
We are here and we are strong: the autism and special needs mamas who are fighting for our kids’ healing. My mission is to help, encourage AND inspire other moms like us, especially if we are raising special needs children or children on special diets.
Things I’ll discuss on this blog include:
- gluten-free, casein-free, and lots of other junk-free products
- how to become organic / green / nontoxic if you’re not
- biomedical, natural and homeopathic healing for behaviors
- autism
- Down syndrome / Mosaic Down syndrome
- sensory processing disorder
- raising girls
- learning disabilities
- inclusion
- cultivating a strong marriage that supports you and your kids
- taking care of yourself
- leaning on Jesus to get you through the tough times and teaching your kids your faith
One caveat: since this blog is over 10 years old, you may find older posts or reviews or something that does not fit with my current outlook. To grow is to change, and that’s the result of “live and learn.” I’ve learned a LOT just in the past 3 years, and honestly, I barely resemble the woman I was just 2 years ago. Keep that in mind when you’re looking at older posts!
If you’re interested in learning more about my journey or working with me in any capacity, email me at gina@embracingimperfect.com and I’ll be happy to answer any questions!
Learn more about my blog.